Thursday, 28 October 2010

Where everybody knows your name.....

When I started tweeting
I hid myself away
Said little about the person
Simply called bj

My profile gave you nothing
On which to make a call
Seemed like I'd built a barrier
An impenetrable wall

Slowly, slowly over time
I let loose a burst or rant
Giving out some little details
Proving I was not so nonchalant

And people asked their questions
On who I was and why
Trying to get under my skin
Find out more about this guy

And apart from some relatives
(A brother and a wife)
None here knew me at all
From a previous life

But recently I found a few
That know me from before
I logged in to
And we still have rapport

I thought this would be weird
Uncomfortable or strange
I always wondered if I could
Adapt to this kind of change

But I'm reminded of a programme
I used to quite enjoy
The antics of a barkeep
And those he did employ

And words from that theme tune
Fit nicely in this frame
You know, it feels quite good
That they know my name

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