Wednesday, 17 March 2010

So, who you gonna be this time?

Game on.

After post-Valiant discussions, and a why the hell not, let's have Round 2.

You're mad enough to contribute your thoughts on your character, plotlines, love-interest, and such like (including how big your part should be, cough cough).  I'm stupid enough to jumble it all up together in to a story.  Remember, if you all want a part as big as Valiant this time, you need to eat more sweetco, er I mean you need to be prepared for a longer story this time.  

So send me your thoughts, fresh avatar pics (for those in perpetual motion), and we'll do it again. Post them here, tag them #ValiantPt2 or just be idle and reply to my tweet (the hastag is Valiant, but let's do something different this time).  Published Friday.

Captain - you mention "tea" or "nuclear explosions" and you'll die a horrible death in the opening scene.

My name's Peter Serafinowicz, good night.

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