Sunday, 18 April 2010

Ghost Islands

I see your white lines on the road as I drive
A warning, an indication, to help me on my way
I pay careful attention to you
Know that you help protect me every day

Others seem so less cautious of you
Drifting in and out without a care
Risking not just their own hearts
Barely noticing you are there

But you are always here for me
Salvation or a trip wire you’ll be

Ghosts driven over
Sometimes will bite back
Thoughts brought to mind
Turn a bright day to black
It takes just one memory
To turn it all around
Feelings that you considered
Long buried underground
Words or phrases
That now seem to connect
And you just can’t imagine
The impact, the effect
Pulling you down
Like you never knew they could
Changing you in an instant
Hurt replacing good

And now those lines have a reaction
Be it real or just in my head
I know I’ll still be thinking of them
When I lay down restless in my bed

They just bring up so much within me
Not healthy, I know that for sure
Feelings I’d long since shyed away from
Knowing I could not endure

That you are always here for me
The trip wire I knew you’d be

Ghosts driven over
Sometimes will bite back
Thoughts brought to mind
Turn a bright day to black
It takes just one memory
To turn it all around
Feelings that I considered
Long buried underground
Words or phrases
That now seem to connect
And I just can’t imagine
The impact, the effect
Pulling me down
Like I never knew they could
Changing me in an instant
Emotions an uncontrollable flood
Changing me in an instant
Like I wish they never could

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